April showers have not put our patients off. Thank you.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter time.
Some of you may have been lucky enough to have received lots of sweet treats.
While this is an exciting time for our children as well as us big kids!  We need to remind you that the frequency of ANY sugar intake is key to your dental health! Please look at the simple graph below. Take a look at how long just one sugary intake takes for the PH level in the mouth to return to normal. This shows you how the ph. level in your mouth drops which then allows the demineralization to occur (DECAY).
While there are two simple factors to remember, plaque bacteria needs to be present and sugar for this to happen. Reoccurrence of sugar throughout the day increases our risk of decay. This means any sugar! There are many foods we class as healthy foods but there are hidden sugars involved in most foods and some  although they are the same, for example apples are higher in sugar than others. The Daily mail had an interesting article last month. I will include some of the pictures which they included in the article to highlight this.


Gala apples or Granny Smith? 

What’s the difference? A Granny Smith apple has around 6g less sugar than a Gala.

A medium-sized Gala apple can contain up to 23g of sugar, while a green Granny Smith has just 17g — more than a teaspoon less.

Fiona Hunter says: ‘Apples are a good source of soluble fibre, which helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and reduce cholesterol.

‘Research from Denmark also found people who ate apples regularly had higher levels of good bacteria in their gut, while a study from Finland found that those who ate one apple a day for four weeks reduced their LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol by up to 40 per cent.’

Tip: Always eat apples with the skin on. Not only is it a good source of fibre, the levels of healthy antioxidants in the skin are five times higher than in the flesh.

Winner: Granny Smith
But please take note of the sugars involved as many of us think every apple is the same as we see here thay are not.


April is child abuse prevention month.
If you think a child is in immediate danger. Don’t delay-call the police on 999, or call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 straight away. 



April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Here at Yew Tree we have a wide range of patients young and old and we think It’s a time to increase public awareness about a disease that detrimentally affects the lives of 1.5-2 percent of the population over the age of 60. A time to inspire the action required to provide support for those suffering with this illness as well as help to speed progress towards finding that elusive cure. A time to take action against a disease that those of us that have been diagnosed with this illness will face long after the end of this calendar month.
(1) Reach out to someone with Parkinson’s. If you know someone in your family, social circle or community with Parkinson’s, consider reaching out to them. This can be a very isolating disease — both physically and emotionally. It can be very stressful facing a progressive neurodegenerative disease for which at this time there is no cure. Your offer of support may make a significant difference. Something as simple as helping out with groceries, offering a lift to the dentist to see us here at Yew Tree, accompanying them on a walk or assisting with childcare or housework can fulfill a real need. Likewise emotional support can be invaluable. Take your cues from the person affected — do they want to talk about how Parkinson’s disease is making them feel, or would they rather be distracted by your conversation? Keep in mind that sometimes decreased facial expression is a symptom of Parkinson’s. Don’t mistake this for disinterest or even more erroneous, a lack of understanding — cognitive issues affect only a very small percentage of people with Parkinson’s disease.
2) Educate yourself and others. This disease is not limited to the tremor that mostly defines the general public’s understanding of the disease. What is less known is the pervasiveness of Parkinson’s, how it causes everything from mood disorder. Such as depression and anxiety, dementia, urinary incontinence, constipation, swallowing difficulties, pain and sleep disorders to name but a few. These symptoms, many of which are difficult to treat, contribute to poor quality of life. And although there are some medications available to treat some of the motor symptoms of this disease such as tremor and stiffness, there is a very fine line between treatment and debilitating side effects making managing Parkinson’s symptoms very difficult. Learning about the disease and how it affects those that live with the daily challenges will help change people’s perceptions and may lend public support for the urgency that the Parkinson’s community has with regards to the search for better treatments and a cure.
3) Raise money for research. Consider supporting fundraising events for Parkinson’s disease or raise money on your own accord. It takes a significant amount of money for a drug to make it from the lab to the pharmacy shelf. Government funding is inadequate for in this process which in turn hinders research into potentially viable treatments. It will take a significant amount of money and fundraising support to move research into this disease forward towards its ultimate cure.
4) Participate in clinical trials. A recent report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at 1,000 clinical trials. Of those, approximately 25 percent were never completed. Lack of patient participation was the most frequent cause. This study confirmed what previous surveys had already concluded — clinical trial participation is a major issue. And without this type of involvement, drugs or interventions that may potentially have great benefits will never have a chance to be studied. You don’t have to have Parkinson’s disease in order to participate in clinical trials. Most also require controls or individuals without Parkinson’s to act as a comparison group. Without healthy volunteers, research cannot progress.
Public campaigns promoting April as Parkinson’s Awareness Month are an effective reminder of the struggle that millions of people worldwide face everyday. And if even a few people that learn from this outreach are able to channel that empathy into definitive action, the burden of this disease may be alleviated for some and the search for better treatments and a cure may become a tangible reality. Together we can make a difference.

April is also national stop snoring month. So i would just like to bring to our patients attention that snoring aids are available here at Yew Tree. If you think this maybe something you or a friend would find beneficial don’t hesitate to call in or ring us on 01922 625225 to make an appoinment. They are not available on the NHS it would be a private basis only. Above is a side view of a snoring aid in place. It shows how the position of the lower jaw is aided by the device and the importance of this.

Here at Yew Tree we like to get involved with good causes and at our managers practice meeting this month it was a suggestion that all the practices get involved. So please feel free to join us if you would like to. You can follow the link below which will give you the information and allow you to enroll.  Children are also more than welcome it could be a great fun morning to raise money for a worthy cause. You can be as energetic as you want to be as long as you complete the course.


So just to remind our patients we like you feed back. It is important to us and we are grateful for it. If you have a Gmail account we would like to invite to leave us a review.
Up and coming dates for next month.
Skin cancer awareness month
National smile month
Red cross week 7th May
Dementia awareness 15-21st May

Also many of our children have a half term from school at the end of the month. So I’ve been trying to think of a fun activity if you as parents would like your child to take part. There will be a little prize for the best drawn picture of us. That’s right we would like you to draw us. You can draw the dentist the nurse or myself. Or all three of us. Have fun! We know we are not always here, so please pop them through the practice door with your name age and a contact number.
Can we also remind you that next month we be asking some patients if they would like to take part in our news letter. I have permission slips ready for any of our patients that would like a picture taken or to say a few words.

Our mailing address is
24 Maple Drive 
01922 625225

To view this months newsletter on mobile devices please click here.

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