Gala apples or Granny Smith?
What’s the difference? A Granny Smith apple has around 6g less sugar than a Gala.
A medium-sized Gala apple can contain up to 23g of sugar, while a green Granny Smith has just 17g — more than a teaspoon less.
Fiona Hunter says: ‘Apples are a good source of soluble fibre, which helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and reduce cholesterol.
‘Research from Denmark also found people who ate apples regularly had higher levels of good bacteria in their gut, while a study from Finland found that those who ate one apple a day for four weeks reduced their LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol by up to 40 per cent.’
Tip: Always eat apples with the skin on. Not only is it a good source of fibre, the levels of healthy antioxidants in the skin are five times higher than in the flesh.
Winner: Granny Smith
But please take note of the sugars involved as many of us think every apple is the same as we see here thay are not.